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Special Education Support

Ever wondered what our Special Educators Do?

They develop and implement an individual education plan (IEP) based on your child's NDIS goals, incorporating their speech therapy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy goals.

In your child’s day care/preschool/school they help your child’s educators understand how to use everyday activities and experiences to include, practise and extend goals.

Support includes:

  • Individual skill building e.g. developing fine motor, building on speech therapy or occupational therapy goals, developing pre-academics for school, building emotional literacy, improving focus and developing self-care.

  • Small group activities and games with peers to develop social and play skills.
  • Creating and setting up visuals and schedules to help with communication, transitions and task completion.
  • Information and hands-on support for your child’s early educators.
  • Linking families with other local services as needed.
  • Assistance with applying for the Early Intervention Support Class or Support Classes in NSW Public Schools.
  • Transition to school e.g. assistance with applying for school, term 4 school transition visits support, ongoing one-on-one support in the classroom during Term 1 and 2 or up to the age of 6 if needed.